Hymans Robertson Latest Reviews

Summer Student
- Hymans Robertson
- Internship (1 Month+)
Working mostly with excel for calculations such as Transfer values retirement quotes underpin calcs Completing work for the client teams I was assigned to Group intern data entry project Individual project to be presented at the end of the internship

Summer Student - Investment DB
- Hymans Robertson
- Internship (1 Month+)
Summer student tasked with presenting a project on sustainable equity implementation in DC Pension Schemes and their growth strategies Aside from project work I was fortunate enough to undertake work on a number of client teams whereby I could get an im

Summer Student
- Hymans Robertson
- Internship (1 Month+)
Training related to role over first couple of weeks Client related work within client teams Meetings with client teams and people manager Project to be completed over course of internship with presentation in final week Updating spreadsheets writing

Actuarial Intern
- Hymans Robertson
- Internship (1 Month+)
Joined existing client teams within the company completing similar work to the new graduates such as transfer values and funding updates Regularly attended team catch up meetings with the rest of the client teams as well as weekly meetings with my peop

Investment Summer Student
- Hymans Robertson
- Internship (1 Month+)
Work on your individual project that could based on one of many topics that have significance within the firm You are also placed into 2 client teams in which you assist in actual client work giving you a feel of what the actual job within Hymans would

Summer Student
- Hymans Robertson
- Internship (1 Month+)
Detailed analysis and interpretation of results Being able to formulate advice for clients Presenting the advice in an easily understood way Using modelling tools to support advice Knowing how to maintain our quality standards policies and risk ma

Summer Student
- Hymans Robertson
- Internship (1 Month+)
During my internship I did a mix of project and client work I had the opportunity to work on an independent intern project which culminated in a presentation at the end of the 8 weeks I got to work with several client teams doing individual calculation

Summer student
- Hymans Robertson
- Internship (1 Month+)
Actuarial Summer student Role includes group project individual project and presentation client team meetings attending training sessions carrying out calculations secretarial work actuarial reports Need to use Excel and various other Hymansspeci

Summer Investment Intern
- Hymans Robertson
- Internship (1 Month+)
Given the uncertainty surrounding Covid19 it was impressive that Hymans Robertson honoured their internship offers at all The program was adapted to a virtual experience and still managed to be incredibly varied and rewarding Extra emphasis was placed

Summer Intern
- Hymans Robertson
- Internship (1 Month+)
I really enjoyed my 8 week internship at Hymans Everyone was very friendly and welcoming and quickly made me feel like part of the firm Despite working from home for the duration colleagues were very helpful in making sure I was settled in The work g

Summer Student
- Hymans Robertson
- Internship (1 Month+)
I enjoyed the placement at Hymans Robertson To begin with I felt a bit overwhelmed and didnt feel like we had been given enough of an introduction to the work that we would be doing leaving me to kind of guess my way through the first week or so As

Actuarial summer intern
- Hymans Robertson
- Internship (1 Month+)
It was a very enjoyable experience Not only did I learn a lot but also met with experienced people in the sector greatly expanded my knowledge within the actuarial world and was given the opportunity to show my growth to the team by presenting a summer

- Hymans Robertson
- Internship (1 Month+)
I enjoyed everything about the internship Everyone was really friendly and made me feel really welcome which made me feel more productive and I never found it tedious to get out of bed in the morning to go to work The work I did was interesting and very