Mental Health Support

Looking After Your Mental Health At University
Starting university can feel overwhelming. Here's how to look after yourself away from home and the support available to you.

RateMyPlacement’s 7 Days of Movement
Guiding you through Mental Health Awareness Week with 7 ways to find a moment for movement during exam season.

Ins and Outs for 2024: Careers Edition
2024 is here! And just like the rest of the world, we’ve been scribbling down our Ins and Outs for the year ahead (careers edition)...

University Initiatives: Supporting Your Mental Health
Moved away from home and struggling to settle in? Discover how your university can support your wellbeing through initiatives.

Mental Health: Taking Care of Yourself
University is tough, there's no question about it. That's why looking after your mental health is so important. Here are some ways to do that.

Black Minds Matter UK: A Charity Spotlight
Black History Month is here. To celebrate and commemorate, our team will be fundraising for a very important charity: Black Minds Matter.

What To Do If You’re Feeling Homesick During Your First Year
Moving away for the first time can be really nerve-wracking. Here are some tips for when you’re feeling homesick.

What To Do When You Don’t Get The Results You Want
Feeling disappointed with your results? Not to worry! There are plenty of options to get you back on track, and onto your chosen career path.