Design Studio Assistant Review

by Vivienne Westwood

This review was submitted over 4 years ago, so some of the information it contains may no longer be relevant.


  • The Role
  • The Company
  • The Culture

    The Role

  • 1. To what extent did you enjoy your work placement or internship?
  • The work wasn't as interesting as I had expected. I love handling clothes and examining the finer details, but when you are working with the same pattern for days at a time it can become really tiresome.


  • 2. To what extent did you feel valued by your colleagues?
  • As I was working just as long hours as the paid members of staff, yet receiving no financial income, I struggled to feel like I was valued at all. If other people are being paid handsomely for doing a tiny little bit more work than you, it makes you feel quite worthless.


  • 3. To what extent were you given support and guidance by management/your supervisor(s)?
  • The managing director on the studio floor was very kind and often brought us refreshments. She made sure that we were all motivated to do our best for the company.


  • 4. How busy were you on a daily basis?
  • I never stopped. The minute you finish one pattern, it's onto the next one. It's so hectic and pressured that by the time your breaks come, you're thankful for the chance to have a good rest.


  • 5. How much responsibility were you given during your placement?
  • I was trusted with the fabrics and material but that was about all the responsiblity I got. I wouldn't say I was considered an essential member of staff by any means. I was just one member of a team of ten who all had the same jobs to do.


  • 6. To what extent did/will the skills you developed, and training you received, assist you in your degree studies and beyond?
  • I was able to see the practical side of the fashion industry and this helped me a lot with the textiling assignments on my degree. Another good factor of my internship was that I can now put I worked at Vivienne Westwood on my CV.


    The Company

  • 7. What was the general atmosphere in your office?
  • After the first half an hour of every day the work became dull and so did the atmosphere in the studio. People were under too much pressure to even think about anyone other than themselves. The only time I had a proper conversation with any other member of staff was on my lunch break as that was the only time that you could finally relax and be considerate of others.


  • 8. How well organised was the overall work placement or internship set up?
  • Let's just say that the internship was planned to benefit the company rather than the student. The company didn't really care about my progress, it was more about producing the vast number of items that they needed.


  • 9. In terms of personal training and development, to what extent did the company or firm invest in you?
  • Absolutely nothing. I was given quite extensive training into how to copy the patterns and alter the fabrics, but this was only because the materials were both limited and expensive and couldn't be wasted. The company wasn't interested in training me or developing my fashion skills beyond what they needed from me.


  • 10. What were the perks on your work placement?
  • Flexi Time

    International Travel


  • 11. How appealing are future employment prospects within the organisation?
  • I'm not sure if there are many jobs available there but I'd only ever go back if there was a paid position.


    The Culture

  • 12. Was there a good social scene amongst any fellow placement students/colleagues?
  • Not really. Being too busy to socialise during working hours meant that I, and those around me, never made any strong bonds. I went into work, did my job, then left at the end of the day.


  • 13. What was the cost of living and socialising in the area you worked in?
  • With no income to support me I couldn't afford to do a thing. I spent all my savings relocating to London to have, what I thought was going to be, the greatest internship ever. In the end, I left disappointed with both my intern experience and my time living in the capital.


  • 14. What was the Nightlife like in the area you worked?
  • I imagine it's awesome in London, but I wouldn't be the person to ask. On my budget I struggled to pay the bills, let alone have nights out drinking.


  • 15. Were there many opportunities to get involved in activities outside of work?
  • Not for me there wasn't. I'm sure if circumstances were different and I had made a few work friends and had the finances to live a little, I would have been involved in many activities outside of work but for me this wasn't the case.


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Internship (1 Month+)


October 2010

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