EY Summer Assurance Intern Review

by EY

Best Student Employer

This review was submitted over 4 years ago, so some of the information it contains may no longer be relevant.


  • The Role
  • The Company
  • The Culture

    The Role

  • 1. To what extent did you enjoy your work placement or internship?
  • I really enjoyed my summer internship at EY. It definitely exceeded my expectations in many ways. In particular, I was surprised by the work I got to do and that I was able to work with clients from day 1. I felt like I was able to really contribute to the project and my team. Another amazing aspect was the people. The company is very people focussed and everyone I met was great to work with.


  • 2. To what extent did you feel valued by your colleagues?
  • As an intern, I felt extremely valued by my colleagues. Even though I was only in the office for 10 weeks, they took the time to invest in me and help me improve my skills while I was there. I also got to shadow a partner for a day and find out about their day-to-day work. But the partner was also interested in me and wanted to know all about my studies and my time in the business so far.


  • 3. To what extent were you given support and guidance by management/your supervisor(s)?
  • I was given a lot of support by my manager and supervisors. They would frequently check up on me to see how I was doing and make sure everything was going smoothly. They always had time for me when I needed to ask a question and would take time out of their busy day to give me any information I needed.


  • 4. How busy were you on a daily basis?
  • My first few days were a little quieter, but after that I always had something to be doing! I was also given two colleagues to contact if I did find myself with little work to do and they would be able to find something more for me. It was great to be busy because the days just flew by and we're really enjoyable!


  • 5. How much responsibility were you given during your placement?
  • I was given my more responsibility than I thought an intern would get! Within my first few weeks the company flew my Senior and I down to visit a client near London. Because it was just the two of us there, I had the same responsibility a first or second year graduate would usually have. I got to interact directly with the client and complete the work for my senior to review. It was a great experience!


  • 6. To what extent did/will the skills you developed, and training you received, assist you in your degree studies and beyond?
  • The skills I have developed will help me so much in my future studies! I have now seen first hand how an audit is completed which really helps to bring my Accounting course to life! I have also become much more competent with excel, which will really help with my dissertation.


    The Company

  • 7. What was the general atmosphere in your office?
  • The office had a really good, relaxed atmosphere. It was never stressful and was always a nice place to walk into everyday. I think the people really made the atmosphere great and that transferred into a great internship overall. There were always social activities going on too! And the ping pong table in the break out area was great.


  • 8. How well organised was the overall work placement or internship set up?
  • The internship was extremely well organised and ran really smoothly. From social action days to socials and catch up meetings with councillors, it was all organised in advance and we were given plenty details and notice early on. At the start of the internship we were given any 'need to know' dates and events so that we could prepare for them an organise our time.


  • 9. In terms of personal training and development, to what extent did the company or firm invest in you?
  • I didn't attend any training session while I participated in my internship, but I feel that the whole job was a learning experience. I learned so much while I was doing the work that I didn't need a dedicated training day. But when I did need something explained to me, there was always someone who I could ask and who would make time for me.


  • 10. What were the perks on your work placement?
  • Flexi Time

    Sports and Social Club

    National Travel

    Company Parties/Events

    Working from home


  • 11. How appealing are future employment prospects within the organisation?
  • Future employement prospects are very appealing. I really want to work for this company full-time. I feel that I've had a really good chance to test out what the company is like to work for and I feel they give a really true and fair representation of it too. Now I can't wait to see if I will be offered a graduate position and I really can't wait to work for the company if I get it.


    The Culture

  • 12. Was there a good social scene amongst any fellow placement students/colleagues?
  • There was a great social scene. Always something to do with the team and a variety of activities too! The social committe do a great job of organising socials and there was a good few in the office while I was there. They always included the interns too. It was a really great experience to be apart of.


  • 13. What was the cost of living and socialising in the area you worked in?
  • The cost of living and socialising was normal for me because it is where I usually live. I think it's very reasonable and not extravigant at all. We were also in the centre of the city so there was always plenty to do and places where the interns could meet to catch up.


  • 14. What was the Nightlife like in the area you worked?
  • The nightlife was really good. We were also in the middle of the Edinburgh Fringe festival so there were always plenty shows to see and pubs to go to. We even had a work social to see a comedy show at the fringe which was a lot of fun. It was great.


  • 15. Were there many opportunities to get involved in activities outside of work?
  • Yes, there were sports tournaments and plenty of work socials to attend if you wanted to. This was a great way to get to know the team better and socialise with the other interns.


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Internship (1 Month+)



August 2018

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