7 October 2020
Managing Your Wellbeing Through the Job Hunt

We all need that little bit of extra support right now. Which is why we’ve called in the expert – Gemma Hurt, Early Careers Leader for GE Aviation – to dole out some career advice.
Every month, she’ll be sharing top-shelf content from her employability conference. A conference that is specifically designed to support YOU on your job hunt.
So watch this space.
I’m Gemma Hurt, and I’m delighted to be working with RateMyPlacement over the coming year to provide you with support and guidance through the challenging world of job hunting.
What qualifies me?
My current role is Early Careers Leader for GE Aviation. I’ve worked in Early Careers for 14 years, across so many different businesses and sectors, so I’ve pretty much seen it all. (Have a read of my LinkedIn profile if you want the full story!)
I’ve spent several years working on my personal purpose, and have figured it out to essentially be as simple as helping people. So when RateMyPlacement asked me to work with them, as they work with you, I didn’t hesitate to accept.
A bit about me
I moved to Cheltenham in September 2019 and created an Early Careers South West Network, where people who did jobs like me could come together to support each other and collaborate.
In September 2020 a few of these employers and I created an employability conference to support students in their job hunt…
How does this help you?
The conference is packed with information to guide you through every stage of the recruitment process.
Each month, I’ll share a short video and blog pulling together the highlights of this conference. I’ll also signpost you to a full recording so you can find out more.
What’s on the agenda?
To get us started, we’ll kick off with “Managing your wellbeing through the job hunt” to ensure you’re in the right frame of mind to approach applications. Being in the right headspace is SO important, as mindset plays a big part in how successful a person is.
We also talked about resilience, so if you do get knocks along the way, you can bounce back quicker, learn from it and take the experience as an opportunity to grow.
Next up, Applications & Testing, Interviews and Assessment Centres!
I hope you enjoy and find it useful.