Samsung Electronics Latest Reviews

Sales Data Analyst
- Samsung Electronics
- Placement (10 Months+)
I had a great year at Samsung I was challenged met loads of great people and developed a lot as a person throughout the year My work was varied from week to week and I was lucky enough to take part in various exciting projects where I was more inv

Technical Support Engineer (B2C)
- Samsung Electronics
- Placement (10 Months+)
I thought the placement was great It was a great introduction to working in a fast paced corporate environment with plenty of challenging opportunities The staff were all very helpful and I was able to mold my own niche in the team and develop lots of d

European Service Operations Support
- Samsung Electronics
- Placement (10 Months+)
I truly enjoyed my year with Samsung working with a range of great professionals I was lucky to be part of a team where I was valued and where my colleagues trusted my abilities In addition I was one of around 30 new studentsgrads starting at the

Civil Engineer
- Samsung Electronics
- Internship (1 Month+)
It was enjoyable I was able to interact with loads of different people and building new long lasting friendships In addition my job was very rewarding as I was able to work on a variety of different projects especially concerning mobile phones and comp

Research intern
- Samsung Electronics
- Insight / Vacation Scheme (< 4 Weeks)
This my first ever longer than 1 week work experience so I was really scared at the start and was not sure whether there would be anythint I can do there but everyone was friendly and helpful and gave me a deeper insight into the firm and and its culture

Brand Marketing Intern
- Samsung Electronics
- Placement (10 Months+)
I really enjoyed my placement it gave me incredible experience that I didnt realise I would be able to get during a placement The people that I worked with were so welcoming and I was given a lot of projects to work on and a high level of responsibly w

Shopper Marketing Executive
- Samsung Electronics
- Placement (10 Months+)
The time I spent as an intern at Samsung was the best time of my life I learnt so much in a relatively short period of time and met some great people with whom I still keep in touch I broadened my network of contacts and my work experience so the place

Brand Marketing Associate
- Samsung Electronics
- Placement (10 Months+)
The placement was an amazing and insightful experience I was provided with a lot of support by my colleagues and also given a great deal of responsibility Every company has its own internal systems and processes so getting familiar with these can take

Marketing Intern
- Samsung Electronics
- Placement (10 Months+)
My placement was really good because I was given responsibilities and interesting jobsprojects as opposed to just admin work or making coffee like other companies There are many other interns and graduates working there as well so it was good to have

European Air Conditioning Operations Intern
- Samsung Electronics
- Placement (10 Months+)
Ive learnt so much in the year I have been here at Samsung with this being my first real job I can safely say I cant wait to get back working in the Corporate World Ive had the ability to travel around Europe meet plenty of new people and feel

HR Intern
- Samsung Electronics
- Placement (10 Months+)
I thoroughly enjoyed my internship at Samsung Electronics It has developed me as a person as well as giving me an invaluable insight into the business and how it operates effectively and efficiently on a global scale I learnt skills that I will take wit