Analyst – Pensions & Investment Technology
Martha Wilson
Internship (1 Month+)

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My morning starts with breakfast and a shower before I commute into work. To pass the time on the train, I tend to read a book as I travel to the Wigmore Street office.
9 AM – Starting the workday
I like to start my day by making sure I'm up to date with everything that's going on. I go through any Teams messages I've received and check the internal news for the latest developments in LCP and any action I need to take. I'll then go through my task board ahead of my first meeting and make a start on some work.
9:45 AM – Catch-up with team
Every morning, once everyone has arrived, the team will have a quick meeting to go through everyone's tasks and priorities for the day. This helps me to focus my attention on the most important bits of work and gives everyone an opportunity to flag where they might need help or are waiting on another bit of work being completed to keep the team productive.
10 AM – Getting down to (coding) business
After the catch-up, it's time to implement what has been discussed. Typically, my work involves coding to either develop a new feature on one of LCP's applications, or to fix bugs or vulnerabilities that have been identified in the code. I try to get other team members’ opinions on how to tackle problems and to review the work I do, so I keep in contact with them throughout the day.
1 PM - Lunch
I like to make sure I get a proper break at lunchtime to clear my head after a busy morning. I enjoy going for walks around the local area, where the shops on Oxford Street and not-too-distant Regent's and Hyde Park mean there is always something to see.
2 PM - Training
Often, there will be an afternoon training session where we might go through coding practices and techniques or more business-related concepts in the pensions and investment space. This helps everyone keep learning and developing, as well as providing a platform for the wider department to share work they have been doing and challenges they have faced.
3 PM – No time for an afternoon slump!
The rest of the day is spent focussing on my tasks, prioritising any work that could be holding anyone up.
5 PM – Finishing up
Once I have finished what I’m working on, I make sure to update my task board ahead of the next day, have a final check of any Teams messages, and fill in my timesheet before logging off.
Post work
I try to do something relaxing to unwind after work, whether that's heading off to one of London's many cinemas with friends or out to the gym for some exercise before going home for dinner and bed!
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