Internship Careers Advice

Specific careers advice for internships: how to find one, and how to nail that application.

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A Guide To: Thriving on your Placement or Internship

Starting work experience soon? Our placement student, Anna, has put together some tips and tricks to help you thrive on your placement or internship.

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Career Focus: Work as a Stockbroker or Trader in Banking

Stockbrokers spend their days buying and selling company stocks and shares on the stock exchange to make a profit for their clients – or avoid making any losses. Read more here.

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Think Twice Before Doing an Unpaid Internship

Internships are there to propel you into your career, though sometimes they come at a cost. Think twice before doing an unpaid internship.

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Why I Regret Doing an Unpaid Internship

Speaking from personal experience, our content writer Louise tells us why four unpaid internships hindered rather than helped her career.

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Preparing for a Strength-Based Interview

A strength-based interview will take place during a face-to-face interview or assessment centre. We break down what these are and how you can prepare for them.

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Common Internship Interview Questions

This is your guide to the most common internship interview questions, with some tips and tricks for how to answer them.

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How to Break into Digital Marketing

Considering a career in digital marketing? This article has been put together by Evoluted, a digital marketing agency with some advice on how to break in.

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Applications Closing Early? Be One Step Ahead!

Why do employers decide to close their applications early? We delve into the reasons why, and share tips to stay on top of your job search.