Industrial Placement

by UBS

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Deadline: 31st December 2014
Salary: Competitive
Length: Placement (10 Months+)
Roles: Investment Banking, Banking, Business Management
Location: London

About UBS

UBS is a global organization in which people from 140 nations put their talents, experience and skill to work for clients in more than 50 countries around the world every day. At the same time, we are a collection of local communities. Our roots lie in Switzerland, but our personality reflects the varied cultures in the many different markets we call home.

Industrial Placements

For university students looking for immersive work experience, we offer 6-12 month industrial placements in some or our businesses.

The length of these placements usually requires a break from university studies and must be part of your university degree course. These positions also give you an opportunity to experience life within the financial services industry and specifically at UBS.

We generally hire industrial placements into IT, Risk, Equities (Derivatives, Prime Services, Sales and Trading) and Global Asset Management. Industrial Placements are work-intensive and in some cases are similar to the training or career initiatives you’d experience during our formal internship program.

In some parts of the organization, industrial placements can be parleyed into a career-track graduate position. In other areas, these placements are viewed as more resume-building work that may or may not be leveraged into a future roles at UBS.

How to apply

For more information and to apply, please click the apply button below.

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